
Unsolicited submissions policy

DSG Entertainment Limited, or any of its employees, do not currently accept or consider unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new programmes, productions, formats, or live shows. Please do not submit any unsolicited ideas, original creative artwork, suggestions or other works in any form to us.

All of that said, you might send your ideas to us anyway, and we might then — purely coincidentally — make or do something that looks very similar to your idea. This policy is to avoid any misunderstandings around that, in case we happen to be working on something that sounds like your idea.

If — despite this — you send us anything, it will be handled in accordance with the terms below (regardless of what you might say in any message accompanying your submission):

  1. Your submissions and their contents will automatically become the property of DSG Entertainment Limited, without any compensation to you.
  2. DSG Entertainment Limited may use or redistribute the submissions and their contents for any purpose and in any way.
  3. There is no obligation for DSG Entertainment Limited to review the submission.
  4. There is no obligation to keep any submissions confidential.

Again, please do not submit your ideas to us in any format — we will not read them, and you will not receive a reply. We just want to clear things up in case we make something similar!

Get in touch with us

0131 207 0257 We'd love to chat to you about our shows.